Me Time Massage – 銅鑼灣按摩, 全身按摩, 足部按摩, 足部桑拿
地址:香港銅鑼灣軒尼詩道451號地舖 (G/F, 451 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong)
路线:銅鑼灣地鐵站 C出口 步行2分鐘 (2 mins walk from Causeway Bay MTR exit C)
电话:2688 2000 – Whatsapp 歡迎預約
Me Time Massage 位於銅鑼灣,繁忙的鬧市中心。我們為您打造一個既寬敞又舒適的休閒空間,定期進行消毒,以確保環境清潔。訓練有素的按摩師將為您提供舒緩壓力及痛楚的服務。
Me Time Massage is located in Causeway Bay, the centre of a fast-paced city. We create a spacious and cosy place for your relaxation. We pay great attention to hygiene and conduct regular disinfection to ensure a clean environment. Our well-trained massage therapists provide services that help you to relieve stress and pain. A calming place to escape from hustle and bustle, find yourself with Me Time!
Acupressure Foot Massage / 足部穴位按摩
Promote smooth blood circulation, strengthen metabolism and maintain youthful vitality. 促進血液循環之順暢,加強新陳代謝功能,保持青春活力。
Acupressure Body Massage / 全身穴位按摩
Strong penetration, relax muscle and relieve fatigue, improve body immunity, unblocks and balances meridians. 滲透力強,可以放鬆肌肉及解除疲勞、能提高人體免疫能力、疏通及平衡經絡。
Aromatic Body Massage / 全身精油按摩
Effectively relieve the stress, boost energy and promote the metabolism. 能夠幫助有效舒緩壓力,提振精神,促進新陳代謝。